中北路200號, 中原大學學生活動中心四樓 A424R
活動主旨:[敬邀]中原大學書法四十年展-好學為福 add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]

Learning as Enjoyments: Retrospective Exhibition of CYCU Calligraphy Society in 40 Years

展覽日期 Duration
2013 / 03 / 04 – 04 / 21
*休館日Closed Day:04 / 01 – 04 / 07
開幕茶會 Opening Reception
2013 / 03 / 05 12:30 p.m.
校友回娘家 Alumni Day
2013 / 03 / 09 2:00 p.m.
開放時間 Hours
週一至週五 Mon. - Fri. 10:00-18:00 
週六至週日 Sat. - Sun. 13:00-17:00 

展出者 Artists (依姓名筆畫順序排列)

展覽簡介 Introduction

Chinese calligraphy is a form of art that shows the abstract beauty of lines. From the Oracle bone script, to the evolvement into the Seal script, Clerical script, Cursive script, Regular script, and Semi-cursive script, the different lines and changes in every type of Chinese chirography are fascinating. What’s more, the ink blending into the paper accentuates the amazing harmony of the colors black and white. Deng Shiru, a Chinese calligrapher from the Qing Dynasty, once said, “See white as black and wonderful things will appear”. By viewing the blank spaces between each word as spaces that black ink has been brushed over, the stokes can be connected to echo the sentiment in the words and thus complete a perfect work of calligraphy.
Since the 1970s, various calligraphy-related clubs have been founded. The first to emerge on campus were the Calligraphy Club and the Department of Civil Engineering Shi Dai Calligraphy Team; then the Seal Script Club was established. For the past 40 years, CYCU and fellow teachers and students have shown great support towards these clubs, forming a strong force among Chinese calligraphy circles in Taiwan.
The 2009 CYCU Calligraphy Society in 35 Years exhibition gained enthusiastic response from visitors. This year marks the 40th year of the introduction of calligraphy to CYCU. In celebration of this anniversary, the CYCU Art Center organized the Learning as Enjoyments: Retrospective Exhibition of CYCU Calligraphy Society in 40 Years. The theme Learning as Enjoyments was chosen in hopes of conveying the importance of grasping each and every chance of learning and encouraging students to do the same. We welcome everyone to join us at this exhibition to admire the past and present works of teachers and alumni with a passion for calligraphy.