活動主旨:[講座] 春之當代夜《亞洲當代藝術的身體性》-身體解嚴 add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]


日     期:2014.07.18 (五)

地     點:台北當代藝術館1F活動大廳

時    間:19:00-21:00  (18:30開始簽到進場)

主持人-吳瑪悧(國立高雄師範大學跨領域藝術研究所 副教授兼所長)

與談人-王墨林(藝評家) 、陳界仁(藝術家)  



Liberating the Restricted Body

The era of White Terror and thought control that followed the KMT’s retreat to Taiwan in 1949 also impacted the autonomy of the quotidian body. These regulations and controls had an effect on the body in the public sphere as well. Dissatisfied with government controls over the individual body, a small group of artists occupied the streets and official museums throughout the 1980s, where they launched a number of controversial actions. Beginning with CHANG Chien-Fu’s Breathing Techniques in 1982, followed by the narrative street theatre behavioral works, Malfunction No. 3 (1983) and Bombing the Womb (1985-1986), by CHEN Chieh-Jen et al. The 928 Avant-Garde Art Exposition, which was jointly established in 1984 by CHANG Chien-Fu, CHEN Chieh-Jen, LEE Ming-Sheng and KUO Shao-Tsung, could be considered a collective attempt at performance art. In 1985, LIN Ju presented the Lin Ju 90-Day Shut-In Pure Painting Experiment at Taipei’s Jiajen Art Studio, where he attempted to developing paintings by shutting down the body’s senses. Several street actions were launched by the River-lo Concept Expression of 1986. Among these behavioral artists, LEE Ming-Sheng, who has presented a number of behavioral works since the early 1980s, was the most prolific. The Video, Installation, Performance Art exhibition (April 18 to May 4, 1986) curated by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, was the first officially organized large-scale art exhibition of note, followed by Experimental Art-Action Space (April 11 to June 21, 1987) in 1987. Although these exhibitions were uncommon at the time, they could be regarded as the harbingers of 90s era behavioral art. Renowned creators from that era have been invited to participate in this dialog in a re-contemplation of how the body might be derestricted once more.

