也趣藝廊AKI Gallery
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展覽 亞洲具象Asian Realism II 
展期 2014.10.04(六)–10.26(日)
茶會 2014. 10.04(六) 3 pm︱藝術家將出席開幕茶會
地點 也趣藝廊︱台北市民族西路141號
聯絡 www.galleryaki.com︱info@galleryaki.com|02-2599-1171

還記得兩年前也趣啟動首屆「亞洲具象-四國聯展」時,我們是如何見證寫實魅力的不墜嗎?在過去抽象當道,觀念盛行多年後,寫實擺脫板凳球員一角,再次風靡藝術圈。今年10月4日巡迴日本和台灣的第二屆亞洲具象將於也趣再度亮相,網羅到八位台、日、韓寫實藝術家,平久彌(Hisaya Yaira)、益村千鶴(Chizuru Masumura)、藤原康博(Yasuhiro Fujiwara)、千知潤(Jiyun Cheon)、金成洙(Sungsoo Kim)、李承道、吳逸寒以及羅展鵬等人合力再創具象巔峰。雖以寫實為主軸,但卻不以強大的技法為號召,反倒以「亞洲概念」之姿,跨地域的呈現藝術家在不同文化下是如何誠實的畫出所見。 


Remember two years ago, in the first edition of "Asian Realism” exhibition, we have witnessed how realistic paintings not falling from charm? With the idea of abstraction prevailed for many years, now realism once again jump out of the bench player’s seat and sweep the art world again. 4 October, Asian Realism II touring back from Japan will appear once again in Taiwan. Eight realistic artists from Taiwan, Japan and Korea, including Hisaya Yaira, Chizuru Masumura, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Jiyun Cheon, Sungsoo Kim, Chen-Dao LEE, Yih-HanWU and Chan-Peng LO will together reach another figurative pinnacle. Although realist as the theme, but not emphasize techniques but the posture of "Asian Concept” which these cross-regional artists presents in different cultures. 

The girl’s anxiety during growing and ridicule from the male perspective perhaps all derives from the Asian culture of repressed gender. The deserted subway station or an indispensable pale of realistic portraits both reconstruct the subconscious commotion image faithfully. In the end, how deep can it take us beyond appearances to individual soul? Photorealism, ultra-realism, even surreal, in addition to returning to mankind's most pure aesthetic experience, it’s across race, sex, politics, environment, and even the artist's own mental state will become the observed "Asia figurative". After nearly two years, Aki Gallery once again takes you through cultural barriers, feeling the initial shock, overturn your impression of realistic painting. 
