活動主旨:【登入:台灣插畫作品衍伸互動聯展】­­ add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]

Log in:A Dialogue Between 10 illustrators & Animator
展覽時間 Date:2016/05/14-2016/06/19
展覽地點 Venue:捷運中山地下街R9出口電視長廊、台北當代藝術館廣場電視牆 
MOCA Video Underground、MOCA Plaza LED TV Wall(ZhongShan Metro Mall Exit R9 TV Corridor)
(台北市長安西路39號 No.39. Chang-An West Road, Taipei, Taiwan)
門票 Admission:免費 Free
策展人 Curator:黃米露 Milu Huang
參展藝術家 Artists:
日淳 Chun Chun Yang、林森 Vincent Lin、施愛桑 Love Tim+、洪添賢 Croter Hung、徐至宏 HOM、陳青琳 Kim Chen、游尊鈞 A Monster A Day、硬糖果 Li- Rong Kuo、葉依柔 michun、謝怡如 Yi-ju Hsieh、呂文忻 Wen-Xin Lu
台北當代藝術館為推動影像藝術創作及欣賞風氣,特將展場延伸到館外公共空間,創設【當代影像聚場】,藉以呈現當代媒體藝術與影像美學的各種面向,這也是當代館全年度  「夜間不打烊」的視覺饗宴。
The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Taipei established “MOCA Video” to extend its exhibition to the public space outside the museum, in order to promote the creation and appreciation of the video art through which contemporary media art and video aesthetics are showcased. Together, they serve as an annual, non-stop visual feast from MOCA, Taipei.
小路映画工作室以展覽策劃案【登入】,於當代館2015年度徵件中脫穎而出,「登入」已經成為當代人與世界連結的日常基本動作。透過一組帳號,一組密碼,按下一個enter 鍵,個體就可以跟這個世界進行銜接及串連。
Petit Deer Cinema curated the exhibition, Log in, and was selected in the annual open call for works of MOCA, Taipei in 2015. “Log in” has become a basic, everyday action that connects modern people and the world. With an account, a password, and a press on the “enter” key, individuals can immediately link to and join the world. 
Through this habitual, daily action of “log in”, some people do social networking, some work on their own path to achieve their dreams, and some simply observe the world and catch up with the social events. 
Have you ever thought about where you “log in” every day? What kind of a role do you play there? How different is the world we perceive there from the real life?The curator hopes to introduce to the public an alternative possibility of Taiwanese illustration and what it can achieve. In the meantime, through the digital interactive mechanism designed for the exhibition, audience would see the codes and passwords closely related to the everyday life are gradually replacing their real self.
Ten excellent Taiwanese illustrators are invited to participate in the exhibition, and have created ten individual illustration artworks of unique styles according to the exhibition theme and concept. The curator has also invited an animator to transform these works into ten animations. Guided by the animations in the exhibition, the audience would be able to follow the graphic elements produced by these artists and capture the message they hope to convey step by step. Meanwhile, the exhibition also encourages the audience to use their imagination and log in to the fantastic worlds of the ten illustrators.
With the smartphones in the exhibition, the audience can set up their personal accounts and passwords onsite and be randomly matched with one of the ten animations, which will then be screened. Statistic data will be gathered and let the audience get a glimpse of the numbers favored by the public and their habits.