福利社FreeS Art Space (台北市中山區新生北路三段82號B1)
活動主旨:台灣當代藝術資料庫」(Taiwan Contemporary Art Archives, TCAA) 7/19全新改版上線 The new art archive -“Taiwan Contempo add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]

      「一個資料庫的無限可能性,在於它能觸及到最多人!」—全球名策展人Han Ulrich Obrist現今數位資訊的浪潮,藝術世界透過雲端展開全球跨域策展蒐尋的求才行動,自是與日俱渴。因應如此脈動的「台灣當代藝術資料庫」(Taiwan Contemporary Art Archive, TCAA)以一個雲端平台作為當代藝術研究與發現的最佳工具與載體,由台灣視覺藝術協會(Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan,AVAT)自2013年籌畫建置,2014年2月19日第一代網站上線啟動至今,先後受國內最重要藝術專業雜誌高度點評︰《藝術家》年度十大藝術新聞首位、《典藏.今藝術》專題策劃報導;於亞洲藝壇,上海ARTLINKART、香港亞洲藝術文獻庫AAA長時緊密關注,在在突顯本智庫計畫之於台灣藝壇有如第一站數位國門的重要性。
        在2016下半年,除了全新網站改版,「台灣當代藝術資料庫」也積極邁向國際推廣與開展串聯的步伐,11月10日、11日兩天,將與台灣藝術大學共同舉辦「第一屆藝術資料庫國際研討會」,邀集了美國伊迪絲•奧唐奈藝術史研究學會、蘇黎世藝術大學資料庫、法國國家造形藝術中心、新加坡國家畫廊資料庫、法國國立文獻典章學院、印尼視覺藝術資料庫 IVAA、柬埔寨聲影資料庫、新加坡藝術資料庫計畫、與台灣其他相關的單位和學者,進行兩天經驗與觀念交流。除了作為台灣首度舉辦的國際大型藝術資料庫盛事,也將透過各國機構的知識交流與分享,提供台灣當代藝壇展望與時俱進的新類型門戶計畫,在線上與實體,雙軌同步展開深度的國際交流。
The unlimited possibility of an archive is determined by the condition it can touch the maximum number of people.–the world-famous curator Han Ulrich Obrist
In the trend of digital information nowadays, in art world it is becoming desirable to seek out outstanding people through worldwide trans-disciplinary curating expanded in the cloud. In response to the context, TCAA makes a cloud platform the best tool and medium for contemporary art research and finding. The cloud platform was established by Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan, AVAT, in 2013. The first-generation website has been started since February 19, 2014 and received many comments from domestic professional art magazines. For instance, it ranked first in the top ten art news of the year in Artist Magazine and had the feature coverage in ARTCO. It also drew close and long-term attention from ARTLINKART and Asia Art Archive in Asian art circle. The achievement reveals TCAA plays a crucial role in Taiwan’s first digital art platform.
To act accordingly to the revolution of contemporary information application, the user-friendly interface of image design, the Archive Fever worldwide, and the evolution of big data and streaming media, TCAA aims to build a concept-advanced and structure-completed digital art world. The second-generation website will be launched with a new domain name (http://tcaaarchive.org/) on July 19.
The revised version of archive solves the limited structure of original system and evaluates compatibility, relativity and convenience of future system application. The modification responds to the trans-disciplinary trait of contemporary art. The combination of key word links helps users know more about the context of artists’ creation and increases width and depth of work finding and exploration while surfing the website. The visualized interface and the revised version greatly improve convenience and appearance of the website. The members entrusted their cooperative partner A COPY OF A COPY with the database’s information architecture design, web design and programming.
TCAA is a project thoroughly launched by nonprofit organization and it has been four years since it was established. Under the conditions of AVAT’s insufficient funds and the government’s reluctance to make a substantial investment, as well as through the call and the strong action raised by public vision, senior scholars, curators, artists and related technical advisors of the team were all driven by volunteer service’s ideal to set up professional categories like “Performance Art,” “Video Art,” “New Media Art,” “Photographic Art,” “Installation Art”, “Painting,” “Sculpture,” and “Curators/Art Critics,” which created a favorable system for data access. The principle of gathering and record that TCAA follows is realized based on the tenet “Art Equality” advocated by AVAT. Therefore, TCAA aims to provide an online integrated platform free for the public and undertake the connection of international curating and academic-research exchange in the cloud.
In the second-half of 2016, besides revising the website, TCAA is also preparing actively for international promotion and series connection. On November 10 and 11, TCAA and National Taiwan University of Arts will hold “2016 International Art Archive Symposium,” which invites Associate Professor, UT Dallas Arts & Technology Founding member, The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History (USA), Zurich University of the Arts Archive, Centre national des arts plastiques(FR), National Gallery Singapore -Resource Centre, École Nationale des Chartes (FR), Indonesia Visual Art Archive, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center(KH), Singapore Art Archive Project and other related organizations and scholars in Taiwan to exchange experiences and ideas. In addition to being the first large international art archive event in Taiwan, it also attempts to offer Taiwan contemporary art circle a new vision and project advancing with times through the knowledge exchange and sharing from facilities of different countries both on the Internet and in reality, unfolding the profound international communication synchronously.
Press contacts: Lynn Huang (新聞聯絡人:黃秀琳) ∣ TEL:(02)25857600 ∣ Email:avat.art007@gmail.com
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