活動主旨: 勒美‧蘭高 『血色系列』 add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]
活動地址:香港 炮台山道32號 富嘉閣 3D店

Michael Andrew Law 榮譽呈獻在香港舉辦 『血色系列』 勒美‧蘭高 (Laramie Lanclos) 第二次個展。藝術家將於2月27日星期二下午6 - 8 點到場參加在畫廊的開幕酒會。

對於此繪畫系列中, 蘭高想以經歷幾百年歷史的紅色炭精壓縮木炭畫法創作; 藝術家重新研製這種古典素描畫法並從善用這種紅色現代炭精材料獲得具有審美趣味的素描效果-紅色炭精 (sanguine) 意大利文為sanguina-意思就是看來像乾了的血,美麗與殘暴是蘭高作品裏面經常重溫的主題, 在近期開始使用紅色炭精方式來繪製繪畫或寫生繪畫,直到她愛上這種畫法。

這個展覽主題中的作品來自兩個不同的繪畫系列,『衰變的黃金時代』 是蘭高開始作為油畫的創作系列,帶著在當今時代衰敗的美,這系列的作品之中很多取材自專業演員和模特安德魯克雷福德(曾經演出雷神:黑暗世界)的裸體為靈感,第二個系列『歌舞伎町的愛』啟發自蘭高重複造訪東京的紅燈區,這個曾經優雅的廢墟並存與現代庸俗拆雷褪色的表像和過於暴露的性圖騰。



Michael Andrew Law is pleased to present “Sanguine Collection” Laramie Lanclos second solo exhibition in Hong Kong. The artist will be present for an opening reception at the gallery on Tuesday, Feb 27th , from 6-8 PM.

For this collection Lanclos want to propose a centuries old drawing method of Conté Compressed Charcoal; the artist have revised and redeveloped the medium to obtain the aesthetical qualities of sanguine rock employing contemporary materials-Sanguine, The continuing discourse of beauty versus brutality that is recurrent in her work, sanguine from Italian sanguina, was so-called for its resemblance to dried blood. Lanclos began to use sanguine as a way to lay out under-paintings or for visual studies in life drawing, until she fell in love with it as a medium in its own merit.

The works in this collection comes from two different series ,'The Golden Age of Decay' that Lanclos begun as a collection of oils and carries the discourse of crumbling beauty in the contemporary age, which she worked a lot from the iper-sculpted body of professional actor and model Andrew Crayford (BBC, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Thor: The Dark World), who's Botticellian looks have been widely employed in art and renaissance TV documentaries. The second series 'Kabukichō Mon Amour' was inspired by Lanclos repeat visits to the Red Light District of Tokyo, where elegant ruins of a past that defuses to fade coexist beside the modern vulgarity of tacky signs and overly exposed sexual innuendo.

Laramie Lanclos is a UK based artist, graduated in BA Fine Art and specialized in oil painting. The eerie and dystopia has became the signature feature in her portraiture that has greatly distinguished her work from contemporary trends, as well as developing a very unique style which was readily noticeable from her very first expo.

Lanclos has been exhibiting her work in the UK solidly for a decade, and in recent years she has begun showing in Hong Kong.

香港 炮台山道32號 富嘉閣 3D店