活動主旨:也趣藝廊 | 虹Rainbow—曾谷朝繪個展Asae Soya Solo Exhibition add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]

展覽| 虹—曾谷朝繪個展
Rainbow—Asae Soya Solo Exhibition
展期| 2015.05.16(六) – 2015.06.07(日)
開幕| 2015.05.16(六) pm 4:30︱藝術家將出席
地點| 也趣藝廊︱台北市民族西路141號
聯絡 | 02-2599-1171〡info@galleryaki.com
繼去年曾谷朝繪於也趣藝廊首次登台獲得廣大迴響後,今年五月也趣藝廊更將推出曾谷朝繪在日本外的首次完整個展「虹」! 除了大型平面油畫,此次更將透過3D投影、大型壁上繪畫,帶領觀眾置身「畫中」,超越「視覺」的極限。
此次展覽將以三個主題貫穿也趣藝廊三樓,分別為“physical sense (身體感覺)”、“circulate (渦)”、與“sora (宙)”。 曾谷朝繪結束為期一年的紐約駐村後,此次除了帶來經典浴室系列油畫,帶領觀者想像浴室中,那上升的體溫、變化的水氣和隨之氤氳的光影、蒸氣滴落的聲音、乘載著濕氣的皮膚等五感經驗。此次在二樓,更以直接大面積在展牆上作畫的方式,呈現令人目眩神迷的色彩漩渦,也代表了她在異地所感受到的文化交融與刺激。接著,上到三樓的空間,藝術家將透過3D投影,將平面的美麗光與色,反射潑灑在地板、牆面與天花板,產生波光粼粼流動的視覺效果,被包圍在複雜的光線折射及濕潤的氛圍中,彷彿讓觀者置身於色彩斑斕的光影叢林。
曾獲已舉辦超過十年、日本當代藝術圈指標性獎項VOCA PRIZE首獎的曾谷朝繪,運用油彩與裝置所打造的五感世界,讓人總是無法從視覺上來單一陳述,活跳的顏色帶給您的更是驚奇與驚艷,此時「體感」已超越了「視覺」的極限,也趣藝廊邀您不只來看,更來一起體驗!

After last year’s debut in a group show in Taiwan, this may Asae Soya will launch her first solo exhibition “Rainbow” outside Japan at AKI Gallery! This time, except for oil paintings, the show also features 3D projection and large wall-paintings, so the audience can literally wander in her visual magic!

Based on three subheads: physical sense, circulate and sora, in each floor Soya will exhibit her various works: paintings on 1st floor, installation with paintings on 2nd floor and video installation on 3rd floor. Even though she takes various styles of expression, she always focuses our physical sensation from everyday life and what emerges in her mind when she is working. Her works ask you the essential proposition of art: “What is sensing?” From the experience of bathroom to the stimulus she received from residency in New York, Soya creates a colorful forest for audience to perceive and imagine the heat, moist, light, every reflection and reflection with her.

Asae Soya who is awarded the significant VOCA PRIZE in Japan, creates a world by oil painting and installation can never be easily described by single visual language. Vivid colors bring surprise and amazement, this May we invite you not only to see, but feel this sensational show!
