活動主旨:未命名-陳松志個展 Untitled-Chen Song-Jei Solo Exhibition add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]

未命名-陳松志 Untitled - Chen Song-Jei Solo Exhibition
展期Date1/10-2/7/2009  開幕Opening1/10/2009() pm200
地點Venue:永春堂美術館Ever Spring Museum




This is very exciting: the first time an artist recreates by directly facing his own "style" after many years of creation career during the process he has set his own unique "style" through different works. The term "Space-resembled Specimen" proposed by Chen Song-Jei this time is undoubtedly very appropriate and reasonable for audience has been paying attention to his works for a long period of time. In other words, if each of his work symbolizes one stratum, those unique textures and characteristics formed by the specimens are often the symbol for us to distinguish the creation stages of Chen Song-Jei. What is more important is that these textures and characteristics, which are so called "style", have become a way of memorizing this artist. This is like pumpkin to Yayoi Kusama and girl to Yoshitomo Nara.

"Style" is the most colorful part of an artist and Punctum unrevealed by Roland Barthes in La Chambre Claire-note sur la photographie which impresses us is a very good example. Therefore, for regular audience, this exhibiton is like a record which has been popular for 45 years from which they get persistent exciting moments while for new audience, this exhibition is like a circus, which is a splendid feast for their eyes.

Nonetheless, "style" is also a unique patterned cloth, which cannot be a garment on its own. This is
exactly the trick Chen Song-Jei is going to play this time. Through some delicate transformations, he is still able to turn an elephant into a rabbit rather than just a trunk or a tail. Let's wait and see.


台中縣大雅鄉上楓村樹德街252 No.252, Shude St., Taya Township, Taichung County 428, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  

Tel/ 04-25682728 Cell/ 0925813081  E-mail/  http://mc.mail2000.com.tw/cgi-bin/genMail?adr=quanart@gmail.com&  http: http://www.quan-art.com/  聯絡人Contact/ 劉士楷 Peter Liu 

開放時間Open Hours/星期二-Tue.-Sun. Am11:00-Pm7:00(逢雙數週週日休息)