活動主旨:中原大學藝術中心「原‧緣─劉國松現代水墨師生展」 add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]









Yuan / Fate—Modern Ink Painting Exhibition by Kuo-Sung Liu and his Students


How do we advance Chinese ink painting? How do we break away from tradition? Since 1961, Kuo-Sung Liu, “A man of east, west, south and north”, has challenged traditional techniques and perspectives. He initiated the “Modernization of Chinese Painting” movement and gained international recognition for becoming the pioneer of contemporary art movements in Taiwan.

Kuo-Sung Liu, born in 1932 in Anhui and of primarily Shandong ancestry, arrived in Taiwan along with the National Revolutionary Military Orphan School. Kuo-Sung graduated from National Taiwan Normal University. From 1960 to 1971, he taught drawing and watercolor painting at the Department of Architecture of Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU). In 1971, Kuo-Sung was recruited by The Chinese University of Hong Kong as the Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts, where he founded the modern ink painting course. In teaching, Kuo-Sung, believer of “individuality first, quality after”, first creates out-of-the-ordinary techniques (texturing methods), then repeatedly practices before ultimately creating a one-of-a-kind style.

Striving to break away from traditional ink painting and develop brand new techniques, Kuo-Sung proposed the concept “brush is the dots and lines, the ink is the surface and colours , and cun is texture” to promote modern ink painting. Due to his passion for traveling, Kuo-Sung also observes and appreciates the sceneries he comes across on his trips with his heart and soul. One night when he was watching his student from the Department of Architecture do his assignment, he discovered the characteristics of tracing paper. In 2000, Kuo-Sung travelled to Jiuzhaigou Valley in Sichuan Province and was deeply moved by its sceneries. Using tracing paper and the Ink Blot Method, heproduced the Jiuzhaigou Series. In addition, inspired by Chinese lantern paper, Kuo-Sung designed the “Kuo-Sung paper” named after himself and developed “stripping the tendons and peeling off the skin brushwork” to present the contrast of the black and white lines created by ink. A classic example showing this technique is the Tibetan Suite Series.

In celebration of the upcoming 58th anniversary of CYCU, the CYCU Art Center is honored to have been given the opportunity to invite Kuo-Sung Liu and 19 students to attend the “Yuan / Fate─Modern Ink Painting Exhibition by Kuo-Sung Liu and his Students”, which will display the creative and innovative techniques of Kuo-Sung Liu as well as the current development of modern ink painting. The exhibition is also an opportunity to bring teachers, students, and alumni together and share their mutual connection with CYCU.



參展者  Artists(依姓氏筆劃排列)

劉國松  Kuo-Sung Liu

江麗香  Li-Hsiang Chiang

吳珮華  Pui-Wah Wu

吳清川  Ching-Chuan  Wu

李裘迪  Chiu-Ti  Li

林象元  Shaing-Yuan Lin

林識容  Shih-Jung Lin

林麗姬  Li-Gi Lin

張梅香  Mei- Hsiang Chang

莊淑珍  Shu-Chen Zhuang

許秀蘭  Hsiu-Lan Hsu

連    瑜   Yu Lien

陳宜芬  Yifen Chen

楊    喆  Chit Yeung

劉美齡  Mei-Ling Maud Liu

劉振富  Chen-Fu  Liu

簡品淑  Pin-Shu Emmy Chien

羅志英  Chih-Ying Luo

羅睿琳  Jui-Lin  Lo

蘇玄德  Hsuan-Te Su


展覽日期  Duration

2013 / 09 / 23 – 11 / 16


茶會  Reception

2013 / 10 / 12 Sat. 11:30 a.m.


開放時間  Hours

週一至週五  Mon. - Fri. 10:00-18:00

週六  Sat.13:00-17:00

週日及國慶日休館  Closed on Sunday and National Day


展覽地點  Location

中原大學藝術中心(桃園縣中壢市中北路200號,全人教育村北棟一、二樓/ 沐樂展覽廳)

CYCU Art Center (Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village)


策展人  Curator

陳歷渝  Li-Yu Chen

