活動主旨:2009藝術進駐台北計畫 國外徵件 add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]

2009藝術進駐台北計畫 國外徵件

號召--第五族群:台灣新住民藝文計畫 & 姐妹市藝術家進駐




    有鑒於台灣社會結構改變,東南亞移民及其第二代所組成的第五族群增加,台北市文化局希望透過東南亞藝術家進駐台北與市民產生互動,促進民眾對第五族群的文化背景與藝術發展有更深入的了解,故自2008增加「第五族群:台灣新住民藝文計畫」,贊助五位嫺熟東南亞文化以東南亞據點的藝文創作者,包括:馬來西亞、泰國、菲律賓、新加坡、印尼、汶萊、寮國、柬埔寨、緬甸及越南 (不限國籍)




    詳細辦法及報名簡章可至http://www.artistvillage.org/artist_apply.php下載。親自送件者請於八月十八日下午五點前送達,不接受電郵遞件。非本國籍藝術家徵件,也將同時截止收件,英文報名表可至http://www.artistvillage.org/en_artist_apply.php下載。相關問題請洽「2009AIR」小組,電話  (02)3393-7377 102/105/107 Email: artistvillage@artistvillage.org












2009 AIR Taipei Open Call for International Residence Projects

“Fifth GroupNew Taiwan Immigrants” & “Sister-Cities-of-Taipei Artists in Residence

For 2009 AIR Taipei Project for international artists, in addition to the “New Immigrants Taiwan” project for Southeast Asian artists, we also add one new project for artists from Sister Cities of Taipei. Selected applicants will be granted with a roundtrip economy class flight ticket, free accommodation and studio space in TAV for 4 to 8 weeks.


Since the establishment of Taipei Artist Village (TAV) in 2001, art exchange between local and international talents has been the most important mission. In 7 years TAV has sent nearly 80 Taiwan artists abroad for residency and over 200 international artists have been in residency in TAV activating in the city corners with art.


However, among the artists in residence, the number of South East Asian artists does not come to the top. Aware of the social changes and the fifth group, composed by the immigrants from South East Asia and their generation, The Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government would like to take this opportunity by encouraging artists/creators from this region to be in residency and interact with the local communities which will help the understanding of all groups. To be qualified to the fellowship of The fifth group: New Taiwan Immigrants, applicants should be either South East Asian nationalities or base in this region (Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam) with other nationalities.

In addition, to keep a good friendship between the cities, this year, we add a new project for artists from Sister Cities Taipei. Three projects will be selected.

Submitted project for the two fellowships mentioned above should be in one of the following categories: visual art, performing art, literature, creative industry or interdisciplinary project.


The application deadline for both domestic and international programs will be August 18, 2008. Please download the application guideline and form from the website: http://www.artistvillage.org/en_artist_apply.php . Application through email is not acceptable.  For further inquiries, please call (02)3393-7377 ext 102/105/107 or email to artistvillage@artistvillage.org