活動主旨:【毅象無邊─李柏毅個展】 Perseverance – No Limitation : Solo Exhibition of Leland Lee add_this [ 加入我的訊息追蹤清單 ]

Perseverance – No Limitation : Solo Exhibition of Leland Lee
展覽時間 Date:2016/05/07-2016/06/12
展覽地點 Venue:台北當代藝術館 MOCA Studio
門票 Admission:免費 Free
參展藝術家 Artists:李柏毅 Leland Lee
MOCA Studio presents Perseverance – No Limitation: Solo Exhibition of Leland Lee shortly before this year’s Mother’s Day. It is the starting point for the international touring exhibition of Leland Lee’s new works. The planning of this exhibition aims to reflect how the contemporary art field has returned to a contemplation on the core subject and represented an artistic vision deeply rooted in one’s individual life and original intention. Through proposing refreshing values different from a secular, worldly perspective, the exhibition reveals a possible, noteworthy way of thinking and practice from concentrating on the creation of personal aesthetics to its communication to the society. 
It is hoped that the innocence and brilliance of Lee’s work can imbue the disorderly world with a sense of beauty and peaceful images and provide comforting and cheering power to alleviate the suffering of the world. Lee’s work combines rich life experiences and boundless imagination in a carefree manner, transforming the chaotic, complex reality into colorful visual representations with a distinctive style. In addition to showcasing Lee’s first attempt in making a long-scroll painting series, some of the works in the exhibition also incorporate digital interactive mechanism. This approach reconfigures the reading of the still, two-dimensional, finished works into a dynamic, spatial, and on-going perceptive experience. 
「毅象無邊」展的語境根源,是當下和切身的日常現實,但李柏毅透過原真自然的創作,一次又一次帶引我們平心靜氣而樂觀地,去重新面對當代文明進展所帶來的種種社會及文化議題。他筆下的街景、人物與動物....等,大膽而不做作地呈現為橘紅、紅、翠綠、鮮黃、紫、寶藍等鮮豔的色面組合,偶而加上一些金漆或銀粉,以相當接近彩虹光譜的色彩演出, 配合流利自信的黑色缐條造型,從眾人眼中混沌汚濁的現實中,繪寫出了風和日麗、平和抒情的另一款世界意象。
The artistic context of Perseverance – No Limitation originates from the artist’s present, personal, everyday life. However, Lee guides his audience to calmly and positively revisit all kinds of social and cultural issues introduced by the contemporary society. The painted cityscape, people, and animals are in bold and unpretentious colors such as orange, red, emerald green, bright yellow, royal blue, etc., interspersed with gold paint and silver powder. The use of prismatic colors, integrated with free-flowing, confident forms in black lines, delineates the agreeable, harmonious world that stands out from the tumultuous reality in people’s eyes.
李柏毅(Leland Lee)1989年出生於洛杉磯,一歳半時被確診為自閉症患者,至八歲時卻流露出藝術上特殊的天份,在母親簡靜惠全時的關照和盡心盡力的支持下,他透過繪畫與圖像,開啓了與外界溝通的一個特殊管道,他無時無刻不在畫畫,用畫筆取代唇舌,傾訴了他所體會的人生。柏毅的外公簡錦錐,是臺北極著名文會場所「明星咖啡」屋的創辦人,與臺灣藝文界有著千絲萬縷的關係。柏毅隨母返台定居,母親接棒投入了明星咖啡屋的經營發展,而柏毅除了熱衷於個人創作外,也陸續為明星咖啡廳設計了一系列的商品新包裝。
Leland Lee was born in Los Angeles in 1989. He was diagnosed of autism when he was one and a half years old. At the age of eight, he has showed unique talents in arts. With the full-time care and dedicated efforts of his mother, Ms. Karen Chien, Lee created a special way of communicating with the world through the act of painting and his works. He has been painting persistently ever since, making his voice heard with the paint brush and conveying the life he has experienced. Lee’s maternal grandfather, Mr. Archiybold Chien, is the founder of the renowned cultural site, Astoria Café, and has been deeply involved with the Taiwanese cultural circle. After returning and settling down in Taiwan, Lee’s mother has been managing the café. Apart from making art, Lee has also designed a series of merchandise packaging for the café, too. 
From being an infant that was afraid of having water on his face, Lee is now a professional, competitive long-distance swimmer; from being a child that was potentially physically out-of-balance and might never walk, Lee has become a youth fond of horse riding and skiing; from being a possible uncommunicative autistic individual, Lee has found a way to connect and share unending artistic beauty with the world through painting. Today, his multiple talents, including design and music, shine through all corners of the world and are widely acknowledged. We finally understand that his divinely inspired, home-schooled talents are the illuminating key to awake our collective artistic vision and aesthetic perception. 